Food for thought...

"The higher you soar, the smaller you appear to those who cannot fly."

Saturday, August 22, 2009

The House of Jazmin and a Rediscovered Dream

Im a lover of people who go after a goal or a dream, no matter how small or immense it may be. This new show on MTV called House of Jazmin features some new talent to the fashion world. I love it. Which brings me to mention how I have a little something I have had in mind for awhile now. For much time I have contemplated it. I have always thought (unfortunately) that anything creative I wanted to do in life that wouldnt be a guaranteed job I would have to quit. This led me to give up ballet, playing the clarinet and drawing. So I ditched the creative arts, locked it inside of a box, shoved it underneath my bed and focused on law. Most obvious field to head towards right? I could not have been more wrong. If you have a passion for something you should never let it go. Well, I found that box again and unlocked it. I have a couple of new plans and goals now and it will include fashion. I know doors don't open easily sometimes, but if it is something I'm passionate about, I'm sticking to it.

Dont get me wrong...I'm not completely ditching my dreams in law and politics, but I have a little plan of adding a little of the creative arts in my future as well. To the fashion world: Make some room for Lolita Royale.

Sincerely, The girl who dared to DREAM again,
xoxo, Lolita

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