Food for thought...

"The higher you soar, the smaller you appear to those who cannot fly."

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Philosophers

Apart of the college experience (perhaps one of the most important parts of the college experience in my eyes) are the chances to discover and to interact with some pretty interesting people. After our english class (from 5:00-6:15pm...ugh) Monea and I decided to chill with Ira Hobbs and Zachary Hines. These are two of the coolest people you could ever just sit with and have a conversation about concerning stuff that actually matter (that's something I believe is rare on Hampton's campus unfortunately). Consider these two young men philosophers. These two guys can get you thinking about things in a different way and from a different perspective. The conversation last night spoke of love, the educational system, the search for truth, finding yourself and just life in general. I can garantee you, that if you were to have a conversation with either of these two young gentlemen, you might actually be inspired by these low-key geniuses. Through our conversation, I quoted what I could and what stood out to me.

"The true antagonist is the establishment of the old order in society."-Zachary Hines

"As long as I represent the truth, nothing can stop me. There's alot of power to truth."-Zachary Hines

"You got to be responsible when your carrying the truth."-Ira Hobbs

"I feel like at the end of the day, a self ordained master, isn't a master at all. Its impossible for anyone to be in charge of you unless you give them that power to be incharge of you."- Ira Hobbs

"Theres always going to be a higher power than you. Its just a matter of knowing who and what it is."- Zachary Hines

"I feel like society isnt really society."- Ira Hobbs

"I don't want to be blindfolded and told that I'm at the damn beach when I'm in fuckin' Antarctica."-Ira Hobbs

"Because of the fact that you may never know the truth. I never allow myself to think something is the full truth."-Zachary Hines

"A miracle is an occurence that happens just beyond as far as we can see. We only know but so much."-Zachary Hines

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