Food for thought...

"The higher you soar, the smaller you appear to those who cannot fly."

Monday, March 16, 2009

The City Madness

So, this one day during our Spring Break from Hampton University (March 7-15), Lizz and I decided to meet up with Ashleigh in the city. This would be the day we would show lizz what the REAL city is actually like. Lizz's first comment when experiencing the metrotransit: "Oh yeah, our trains are definitely cleaner than this." OKAY LIZZ! wow, so then after buying her METRO card (this goes out to Kari, notice how many times i'm using the word "metro". yes we do have something called "metro" up here in New York. Love ya!) Lizz tries and goes through the turnstule, and then starts saying "WAIT! I cant get through!". I looked at what Lizz was doing. Perhaps it was because she didnt follow the arrows on the card. You know, the part that says "swipe card this way". Love ya lizz. Anywho, no matter how much I love to pride myself on knowing my way around the city. There will always be a certain madness to it. I was trying to get back up to the Bronx, and ended up in Queens Plaza. Great adventure.

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