Without a doubt, not many people were head-over-heels for Mrs.Palin and McCain's crew during the 2008 campaign. But if you didn't like Palin during the 2008 campaign, her message for Oprah's audience and the millions of viewers sitting behind television screens were: "It was really the McCain campaign PR staff that you didn't like. The real Sarah, you would like just fine!" During this Oprah show, she spent most of her time blaming her campaign staffers who she says "cosseted her, handled her, and micromanaged her and her family as to what to say, who to talk to , what to wear and even what to eat." Lady puuuuhleeeezzz. Have you no backbone? Based on these statements she has made, I am so very pleased to know that the worst mistake ever in history to be committed was not done, and that is the electing of McCain into office with Palin as vice president. TO ALL THE FEMINISTS OUT THERE...would you be okay with having a vice president that would adhere to whatever an administration was telling her to do? A woman that would let her family be controlled and handled? A woman that would act as a puppet? A woman, yet again with no backbone?
Excuse me? Did little Miss conservative make a boo boo?
First and foremost, I would like to say that anybody who believes that another person's rights should be taken away from them because of sexual preference, religious beliefs...etc is downright outrageous and despicable. Secondly, if you want to stand strong to a certain belief (no matter how bogus it may be as in Prejean's belief) then do not be a hypocrite. If you believe in what Ms. Prejean stands for, then you should not be parading around with nude sex tapes either. Ms. Prejean recently made an even bigger fool of herself on Larry King Live when she refused to answer the question of a gay supporter of the USA pageants. Check out the clip:
Now what do you think?
And thats all folks,
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