Food for thought...

"The higher you soar, the smaller you appear to those who cannot fly."

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Kanye and Rose did it again...

So I was watching the Wendy Williams show (by the way...that lady can look like such a hot mess...but she is alot of fun to watch) and she released these pictures of Kanye and Amber hitting up Miami Beach for some alone time. So I had to scoop up the pictures. Go Amber! for going out topless and flaunting your stuff like there is no tomorrow. Go Kanye! for a plethora of reasons. Now, something comes to my mind when I think of this on again-off again couple (among other crazy things *insert wink here*) she really marriage material Kanye? Who knows? They compliment eachother well though. This is why i wanna make it that I can run around topless and have the paparazzi all come and take shots.


xoxo, Lolita


  1. You can run around topless now. I'd gladly take pics. :)

  2. miss amber rose is working on her career in these photos
