Food for thought...

"The higher you soar, the smaller you appear to those who cannot fly."

Monday, August 31, 2009

When You make a Mistake and youre a Celebrity...(specifically a black celeb)

Now lets get this clear. What I am about to say are not some words from an infatuated fan, groupie or anything of the sort. Simply put...give it up already. The reports and all the other crap thats been all over the news about Chris Brown and Rihanna. Honestly, how many people still feel that this is a juicy topic? Its entirely old news now. Dont get me wrong, what Chris Brown did was wrong. WRONG. But then again, everybody makes mistakes and horrible actions. Everybody has at one time in their life made an action that was wrong. That is precisely what makes us human. The media has run on and on with this.
Now onto what led me to blog this....

It has been reported on TMZ, Media Takeout, Access Hollywood and CNN that Chris Brown had said "he doesnt remember assaulting Rihanna". Heres what Chris had said in response to all of the drama:

"There have been reports on the Internet that I didn't remember what happened that night with Rihanna. I want to try and set things straight.That 30 seconds of the interview they used of me was taken from a one hour interview during which that same question was asked something like 4 or 5 times -- and when you look at the entire interview you will see it is not representative of what I said. The first four times – or how ever many times it was - I gave the same answer -- which was that I didn't think it was appropriate for me to talk about what happened that night. I said it was not right for me and it really wasn't fair to Rihanna. The fifth time – or whatever it was – I just misspoke. I was asked, "Do you remember doing it?" and I said, "No."Of course I remember what happened. Several times during the interview, my mother said that I came to her right afterwards and told her everything. But it was and still is a blur. And yes, I still can't believe it happened because it is not me or who I am or is what happened like anything I have ever done before. As I have said several times previously, I am ashamed of and sorry for what happened that night and I wish I could relive that moment and change things, but I can't. I take full responsibility for my actions. What I have to do now is to prove to the world that this was an isolated incident and that is not who I am and I intend to do so by my behavior now and in the future."-Chris Brown

ok....blah,blah, blah this crap is boring now. We are living in such a judgemental society. Point blank, and basically what has been happening since february with this case is that Chris Brown has been turned into a "poster child" for Domestic Violence. Quite frankly, domestic violence has been going on for awhile now. The "wake-up" call should of happened awhile ago people.

ok this was annoying and the last blog that I will ever post about the "Chris and Rihanna fiasco"

Peace and Love<3


Saturday, August 22, 2009

The House of Jazmin and a Rediscovered Dream

Im a lover of people who go after a goal or a dream, no matter how small or immense it may be. This new show on MTV called House of Jazmin features some new talent to the fashion world. I love it. Which brings me to mention how I have a little something I have had in mind for awhile now. For much time I have contemplated it. I have always thought (unfortunately) that anything creative I wanted to do in life that wouldnt be a guaranteed job I would have to quit. This led me to give up ballet, playing the clarinet and drawing. So I ditched the creative arts, locked it inside of a box, shoved it underneath my bed and focused on law. Most obvious field to head towards right? I could not have been more wrong. If you have a passion for something you should never let it go. Well, I found that box again and unlocked it. I have a couple of new plans and goals now and it will include fashion. I know doors don't open easily sometimes, but if it is something I'm passionate about, I'm sticking to it.

Dont get me wrong...I'm not completely ditching my dreams in law and politics, but I have a little plan of adding a little of the creative arts in my future as well. To the fashion world: Make some room for Lolita Royale.

Sincerely, The girl who dared to DREAM again,
xoxo, Lolita

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Kanye and Rose did it again...

So I was watching the Wendy Williams show (by the way...that lady can look like such a hot mess...but she is alot of fun to watch) and she released these pictures of Kanye and Amber hitting up Miami Beach for some alone time. So I had to scoop up the pictures. Go Amber! for going out topless and flaunting your stuff like there is no tomorrow. Go Kanye! for a plethora of reasons. Now, something comes to my mind when I think of this on again-off again couple (among other crazy things *insert wink here*) she really marriage material Kanye? Who knows? They compliment eachother well though. This is why i wanna make it that I can run around topless and have the paparazzi all come and take shots.


xoxo, Lolita

Monday, August 17, 2009

"Monday" Blare Carter ft. Badio (produced by Calvin) hmmm...

Its been awhile hasnt it readers? Well im Introducing to you a producer out of Atlanta, GA by the name of Calvin. The artist Blare Carter is also from Atlanta. The track also features Badio, an artist from the DMV area. I want you fellow bloggers and readers alike to check out Calvin's music and "Monday". Tell me what you guys think on twitter (
To check out "Monday" click the link---->
Remember to give me some feedback =]
xoxo, Lolita

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Whatever Happened to......

Fefe Dobson????? Now I'm an absolute lover of unique and out-of-the-box artists....who I dont mind watching on television. Fefe was one of those girls. She was new and fresh....a woman of color who I thought would redefine our image of what the "pop girl" was suppose to look like. Here was a girl who wasnt singing r&b...instead her debut album had "The Beatles" kind of influence. I would like to see her come back with something strong.
