Euro P. Gold (William M. Drayton III) is a fellow college student from Hampton University who has found his passion in music and wishes for nothing more than express his creativity to the world by giving them something called "Mood Music". Where exactly did his idea of "Mood Music"come from? At the age of 15, Euro was reading an Article in “Scratch” magazine and was attracted to what one person (Kyambo “Hop-Hop” Joshua) said concerning "Mood Music": “It’s the kind of music that causes you to get out of your seat and walk towards the speakers. That’s what I want to achieve every time my music is heard.” Hence "Mood Music" the kind of music Euro wishes to supply his fellow music fiends with.
"I’m from Pa, right outside of Philly, so I’m addicted to that soul sound. I grew up on Gamble And Huff and Luther Vandross. In fact my mother ain't even let me listen to Rap growing up. I used to sneak tapes in my room and groove to them. I remember getting a beating in second grade for listing to In My Lifetime by Jay-Z” All of these incident and artists I grew up on get diffused throughout my music."-Euro P. Gold----
So fellow bloggers and readers, why Euro P. Gold? Well, its quite simple. I believe I find a slight inspiration in those who have found their true passion in life or a creative outlet that is their own form of objective truth. I have a slight admiration for those who are motivated and have aspirations all their own. As Euro said: "Low-key I’m addicted to this rap shit. Everyone has a vice, mines just happens to involve me expressing myself through prose and rhyme scheme. I'm just trying to be different from the masses. So many people try to be different now it’s starting to become a fad so I'm just finna be myself because that's naturally different from the masses." Why Euro P. Gold you ask? Well, music has a special place in my heart, and if this is a person trying to put that "feel" back in hip-hop that we've been missing, then Im going to support. Also, I have no problem supporting the fellow black man.
So fellow bloggers and readers, why Euro P. Gold? Well, its quite simple. I believe I find a slight inspiration in those who have found their true passion in life or a creative outlet that is their own form of objective truth. I have a slight admiration for those who are motivated and have aspirations all their own. As Euro said: "Low-key I’m addicted to this rap shit. Everyone has a vice, mines just happens to involve me expressing myself through prose and rhyme scheme. I'm just trying to be different from the masses. So many people try to be different now it’s starting to become a fad so I'm just finna be myself because that's naturally different from the masses." Why Euro P. Gold you ask? Well, music has a special place in my heart, and if this is a person trying to put that "feel" back in hip-hop that we've been missing, then Im going to support. Also, I have no problem supporting the fellow black man.
And hey, whaddyaknowww...Euro is a fellow blogger as well. You can check out his collective ideas, thoughts and inspiration just by clicking on the picture above.