Food for thought...

"The higher you soar, the smaller you appear to those who cannot fly."

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The Most Hilarious Cry Ever Seen

So, one of my friends shows me these two halarious video clips of this little intervention that happened between a father and son. I swear, I could not stop crying with laughter for some reason...

See for yourself....

Now check it out in autotune...(by the way, what is up with the dead beat dad's ashy knuckles and lips?!?! Scary.)

So weird, but incredibly hilarious. The situation is not what is hilarious, but what kind of cry was this man doing? So weird. Also, something about this whole intervention just seems completely scripted.

Peace, Love and Laughter,

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Coat of Arms NYC

on him....hmmm...

visit Coat of Arms NYC website to view more :) click here.

I swear, I love guy clothing (even though i dont wear it)

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Ask me why I cut my hair again....

I dare you....

Black women and their hair...Is there a rule in the bible that says it is strictly forbidden for a woman to cut her hair?

Hair is no more, no less than a style of the times. A fashion statement. You can cut it. You can grow it. You can stop using the creamy crack and go all natural with it if you want! (Im trying to go natural this summer. Lets see how that goes).

Hair is hair. Get funky with it. And dont give me a shocked or a sad face when you say "why did you cut your hair?!?" because unlike you, I am not afraid of a short, bold cut.

Peace. Love & Hair

What is the big deal?

He cheated.........and?

Why are we making this man do public apologies for his acts when men and women commit acts of adultery daily? Why has the media made him the face of adultery? In no way am I saying that his acts were by any means fine. I am simply saying that there are thousands of others out there who are doing the same thing, except they just have not been caught yet.

First Chris Brown, now Tiger Woods? I suggest all you other successful black men keep it tight. It only takes one wrong move.