Food for thought...

"The higher you soar, the smaller you appear to those who cannot fly."

Saturday, February 13, 2010

A Salute to Love

So, as an ode to valentines day...I just thought I had to do this...You know, this stuff is just too cute..

Isn't it? Come on now...don't be a sour patch.

But, now, time to get a little serious....

Just remember, with Valentines day coming up, that the celebration of LOVE is something that should be celebrated year round and not just on one day. Get out and celebrate LOVE with friends and family if you can. Valentines Day is not the day to sit around and mope about how you currently may not have a significant other. Love exists in so many different ways. Therefore, be kind and express your Love to the people that help you through thick and thin.
Let a little LOVE in your heart folks

Peace and xoxo,

It All Started with this Bright Blue Vest

I cant get enough of this....

Mirror, Mirror? Where art thou?
And my favee....

The "Big City Girl" Look.
I swear, when I see just reminds me of my home...The good ole' city...New York.


Tuesday, February 9, 2010