Food for thought...

"The higher you soar, the smaller you appear to those who cannot fly."

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Have you ever....

Ever wondered what it would be like if the enslavement of Africans had never happened? Would the world, just based off of human nature still be the same? Would Africa be more united? Ever wondered why insecurities exist? Ever wondered why, when you look in some people's eyes, you see nothingness? Have you ever wondered what life would be like if we all never died? Do you really want to live forever? Ever wondered why people are so afraid of death? Ever wondered if society just created and emphasized on religion for fear of death (or the unknown)? Ever wondered if love was something fictitious? Have you ever prayed for someone other than yourself so strong, that you cried? Have you ever wondered why we have emotions? Ever payed attention to the birds in the sky? Or the trees when the wind was blowing? Ever wondered what the world would be like if the sun was always shining? Ever wondered what it would be like if there was always darkness? Ever wondered what life would be like if gravity didn't exist? Ever wondered why when you were in "love" it felt like gravity didn't exist? Have you ever felt so high on life? Ever felt like there was a deeper meaning to this thing called "life"? Ever felt like society constantly lied to you in every way and form?
Have you ever?