Classes have been in session for awhile now at Hampton U. However, the vibe of my classes felt a bit different. A tad bit off. I found myself growing increasingly more annoyed with alot of the
students in my classes. Specifically two of my classes. Let me just get on with this story....

I'm sitting in Humanities and the teacher announces that we are to pick our own groups for presenting chapters in the class. Immediately, two young men sitting next to me (for all purposes, lets name them "Boy A" and "Boy B" shall we?) began to complain making comments such as:
Boy A: "I cant work with you man! If I work with you we will fail. I'm not that smart man."
Boy B: "Man, I cant work with you either! I'm trying to pass! Nigga u dumb."
Boy A: "You dumb too!"
Suddenly, Boy A turns to me and says "AYE...u smart?"...
(Now, by this point I was thoroughly annoyed with the conversation these boys were having. Not only were they calling eachother stupid but they were calling themselves stupid! Like....what!?!?)
Me: "Are you serious with that question? As if I'm going to answer no. Too late, I have a partner already."
Boy A: "oooooh."
Now why is any of this significant? I pose this simple question: What ever happened to the determination and willpower that our forefathers once had?
Here were these two young, African American men that were not only complaining about the classwork, but also belittling themselves. It is almost as if todays generation has forgotten the extreme measures that were taken to even make it possible for them to recieve an education. Where is the drive? Where is the motivation? The willpower? Has today's generation lost it all?
